Project Description

Project description

Spine surgery can be a daunting and scary experience for patients. That's why it's crucial to find a surgeon who can communicate effectively and put you at ease. The Best Spine Specialist NYC should be patient, empathetic, and willing to answer all your questions. They should listen to your concerns and provide you with all the necessary information and resources to make an informed decision about your treatment. Additionally, it's essential to check their area of specialization to ensure they have the expertise in treating your specific condition.

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Design Files

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Open JSON Format
All model data in Upverter's Open JSON export format (more info)
Gerber Format (RS-274X extended)
CAD to CAM transfer instructions (more info)
NC Drill (Excellon)
NC drill and route machine instructions (more info)
X-Y, rotation and side data for Pick and Place assembly (CSV)
PADS Layout Netlist
Export your schematic into a third-party layout tool
Dimension Drawing
Export the board outline, holes, and rulers
High-Res Schematic PNG
High resolution image form
3D Model (Step)
3D model of the board and components