Project Description

Project description

the idea is tho apply the same principle other smart bin systems already have in place like fill sensors and alarms to reduce cost via automated pick routes, Geo location so the public can find the nearest one, and publicly available tracking adding transparency to where that collected trash ended, but also adding a UVC irradiation source to give sanitation workers a minimum base line of bio safety.

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Open JSON Format
All model data in Upverter's Open JSON export format (more info)
Gerber Format (RS-274X extended)
CAD to CAM transfer instructions (more info)
NC Drill (Excellon)
NC drill and route machine instructions (more info)
X-Y, rotation and side data for Pick and Place assembly (CSV)
PADS Layout Netlist
Export your schematic into a third-party layout tool
Dimension Drawing
Export the board outline, holes, and rulers
High-Res Schematic PNG
High resolution image form
3D Model (Step)
3D model of the board and components