LM380 Amplifier
LM380 Amplifier
BikeCidadao V1.1
BikeCidadao V1.1
photon ac control
photon ac control
Lab Test #1
Lab Test #1
Mettaton Board
Mettaton Board
Arduino Shield Template (Jon)
Arduino Shield Template (Jon)
Central Uros v1.3
Central Uros v1.3
BikeCidadao V1.2
BikeCidadao V1.2
The Annoyatron... Better than  Deceptacon?
The Annoyatron... Better than Deceptacon?
Simon Says Arduino Shield
Simon Says Arduino Shield
Sportiduino reading stantion
Sportiduino reading stantion
Reflow Oven Controller
Reflow Oven Controller
Komarov II
Komarov II
cktchrch ATTiny85 example - freezer alarm
555 Optic Theremin
555 Optic Theremin
BikeCidadao V1.1
BikeCidadao V1.1